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Experiencing persistent neck pain, regardless of how much you stretch? If yes, then it's time to consider a more holistic approach.
Close-Up Photo of a Man Having a Neck Pain

Neck pain

Common sources of neck pain

We see lots of patients with neck pain. Whiplash, gym injuries or even I just woke up like this pain! Generally there are only a few things that can cause intense neck pain. Disc bulges are obviously something we worry about. If you have ever googled ‘disc bulge’ you will know just how scary it can be. Many disc bulges however aren’t as big of an issue as they first seem. It’s only when pain comes on suddenly and an acute disc bulge is confirmed that we focus on it. Pain coming down the arm, tingling or weakness in the hands. These are signs that there is an ‘active’ disc bulge.

Going to bed and waking up with intense neck pain is a sign of ‘wry neck’. Wry neck is just the fancy way of saying a muscle or joint spasm without disc involvement. This can be excruciating, however we commonly see the pain of these in clinic improved drastically with massage, Myotherapy or Chiropractic!

When should I get help?

A lot of neck pain can be improved by changing postures regularly. Sitting for long periods of time really contributes to that stiff and aching sensation in the neck and shoulders. So investing in a sit to stand desk, or just regularly taking breaks to walk away from your desk can help. Here is a list of signs that your neck pain might need some professional help.

  • Lasts more than one week
  • Appears to be worsening over time
  • Doesn’t improve with stretching
  • Pain spreads down the arms or towards the shoulder blades

How do I fix my neck pain?

You’re in the right place! Your Milton Chiropractor, Myotherapist and Remedial Massage are here to help. We see many patients with neck pain and because of our treatment and exercise focus we can treat just about anything. Neck pain has been shown to respond well to hands-on treatment, so expect needling, soft tissue work, mobilisation or chiropractic manipulation early on. The key is then exercise. Improving posture and strength to take pressure of discs, then working on general strength to make sure it doesn’t happen again!

Posture is very important in this case. Your head is incredibly heavy (cause of all the brains!) so where it sits atop the spine dictates what your posture will look like. Head moves forward and the mid-back will round to compensate. Head moves too far back and the spine will straighten TOO much forcing pressure onto discs. They key is…you guessed it; exercise! Strengthening different regions and mobilising others will encourage the natural curves of the spine. This creates the ultimate shock absorber system and reduces stress on the discs.

Can my neck pain be causing headaches?

Definitely. This is called a cervicogenic headache. Stress, posture and general stiffness can lead to a headache. Normally this starts right at the base of the skull but can wrap around the sides of the head. Luckily this is one of the most common forms of headache is often quite easy to treat. The approach to neck pain and cervicogenic a quite similar, however chiropractic has been shown to be particularly effective when treating these headaches particularly in the short term. Once the pain has improved your chiropractor will move you on to (drum roll) exercises for posture 🙂

Neck Pain Treatment Brisbane

We are located just across the road from Suncorp Stadium! If you are experiencing anything like the symptoms above, be sure to book in with Matt our Myotherapist, Boden our Massage Therapist or Dr. Jack our Chiropractor. They can not only help with the injuries you have currently, but also guide you towards strengthening to make sure it doesn’t happen again! We see sciatica in clinic very regularly so you’ll be in good hands 🙂

So click here to make a booking today, our feel free to contact us by filling out the contact form below 🙂