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Wrist Injury

Wrist Injury

Wrist injuries are common among rock climbers and can be caused by a variety of factors, including overuse, trauma, or poor technique. Some of the most common causes of wrist injuries in rock climbing include:

  1. Overuse injuries: Repetitive movements such as gripping, pulling, and twisting can lead to strains or sprains in the wrist muscles and tendons.
  2. Falls: Falls can cause trauma to the wrist, including fractures, dislocations, or ligament tears.
  3. Incorrect technique: Poor technique can place excessive stress on the wrist, leading to strains or sprains.
  4. Improper equipment: Using equipment that is not well-suited to the individual climber’s needs, such as shoes that do not fit properly or ropes that are too stiff, can lead to wrist injuries.
  5. Pre-existing conditions: Individuals with pre-existing conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis may be more susceptible to wrist injuries.

Symptoms of wrist injuries can include pain, swelling, stiffness, weakness, or reduced range of motion in the affected wrist.

Treatment for wrist injuries may include rest, ice therapy, compression, and elevation (RICE) to reduce pain and inflammation. Physical therapy exercises can help to strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility and range of motion. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be recommended to relieve pain and inflammation.

In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair damaged tissues or nerves or to realign fractured bones. It is important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing persistent wrist pain, especially if you are a rock climber or participate in other activities that place stress on the wrist.

So, what are you waiting for? If you’ve got a wrist injury and you’re ready to get back to climbing, click here to book now. Otherwise, if you have more questions, contact us here today!

All of the team here at Rock Therapy are avid rock climbers and train regularly. So we know firsthand all about muscle strains, joint and ligament pain and all types of injuries. Your treatment will be tailored specifically to your body, your injury and the pain you’re experiencing. No standard treatments here, we’ll also listen to your problems. So! If you want to get back to work, sport or just living without pain, Rock Therapy can help, click the “Book Now” button below.


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A wooden figurine man with his hands in the air.