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Remedial Massage

A man performing remedial massage

Remedial Massage

When asking if remedial massage is going to be helpful for you, the answer is almost always yes! Whether you’re training hard and need to recover quickly, or working hard and need to loosen up all that damage that sitting at a desk is doing to you, remedial massage can be beneficial. This isn’t to say that your life will end if you don’t get a massage, but things will definitely work smoother physically (and maybe mentally!) if you do. If the opportunity presents itself our RMT’s (remedial massage therapists) will try and squeeze in showing you a super helpful stretch or exercise to try and mitigate what work or play is doing to your body, however the focus of these sessions is usually on hands on work to relax overactive muscles, improve the mobility you’ve lost and make sure it doesn’t come back as intensely for next time.

If you have any questions regarding remedial massage and whether or not it’s the right option for you, feel free to contact us here.

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage and Rock Climbing I love rock climbing. I’ve been climbing since I was 6 and have run into a lot of injuries along the way. One of the things I found most helpful for my own recovery was remedial massage. Tight forearms, shoulders, and back muscles, as well as stiff joints are all part of climbing. Getting regular massage work really helped me train as hard and often as possible. This then led me to manual therapy, specifically remedial massage. I studied at Endeavour College and found that […]