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Rock Therapy

Ethnic female student in casual wear sitting at table with laptop and notebook and grimacing from migraine while doing homework during distance learning

The Role of Chiropractic Care in Managing Migraines

Why do I get migraines?

Migraines can be caused by many things. Stress, food sensitivities, issues with circulation, neck stiffness; just to name a few! Within chiropractic and Myotherapy, we work mostly work with ‘cervicogenic migraines’. That is, migraines that are caused by stiffness and tension in the joints and muscles of the neck, as well as postural issues. This stiffness can lead to a triggering of a migraine, and it’s that stiffness that we try to alleviate to help prevent migraines occurring.

Migraine treatment is a frustrating journey to be on. We often spend quite a bit of time making sure there are no dietary issues contributing to the triggering of a migraine. Hands-on treatment however does perform well in research, and we definitely see the results in clinic! Our Brisbane Chiropractors and Myotherapists can help you make the right decisions for your specific problems!

How can Chiropractic help?

Chiropractic adjustments can help to reduce neck pain by improving muscle and joint function around the area of an adjustment. In the case of migraines, neck stiffness and weakness can contribute to ‘trigger’ moments, especially around the upper neck. Small muscles called your ‘sub-occipitals’ are wrapped around nerves and arteries in the area, that when compressed can create migraine like symptoms. Improving the way this upper part of the neck moves is how chiropractic can help reduce this pain.

Additionally, our chiropractors use techniques like soft tissue therapy, massage, and exercises to address muscle tension and stress that may contribute to migraines. Tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and upper back is a common migraine trigger, and chiropractic treatments can help release this tension, leading to relief from migraine pain.

Many patients report experiencing a reduction in the frequency and intensity of their migraines after receiving chiropractic care regularly. Some studies have shown that chiropractic spinal manipulation can significantly reduce the severity of migraines, with some individuals experiencing a complete cessation of migraine attacks.

What else can I work on?

Migraines are all about managing your triggers. Often there are many things contributing to what’s causing your migraines and it’s important to work on all of these to avoid a ‘perfect storm’.

  1. Posture – compression in the neck increases inflammation, so slouched shoulders and head forward postures can contribute to trigger moments.
  2. Inflammatory diets – making sure you’re eating healthy in general and avoiding things such as alcohol, fried foods and foods that are high in preservatives can help.
  3. Sleep – making sure you’re using a high quality mattress and pillow to ensure you’re not increasing tension through the spine throughout the night.
  4. Dehydration – you’d be surprised how often drinking more water can help with health! It’s often overlooked and a very easy way of improving your general health.

Will I just get adjusted?

At Rock Therapy your Chiropractor will use adjustments, dry needling, soft tissue therapy and exercise. Ultimately it depends on how you present as each patient responds very differently. We use longer appointments than most chiropractors to ensure that your practitioner has the time to make changes to your treatment plan as required. Tracking your frequency, intensity and duration your migraines will all be part of working together with your practitioner to give you the best chance of success 🙂

See also: neck pain

Migraine Treatment Brisbane

We are located just across the road from Suncorp Stadium! If you are experiencing migraines or headaches of any kind, be sure to book in with Matt our Myotherapist, Boden our Massage Therapist or Dr. Jack our Chiropractor. They can not only help with the injuries you have currently, but also guide you towards strengthening to make sure it doesn’t happen again! We see lower back pain in clinic very regularly so you’ll be in good hands 🙂

So click here to make a booking today, our feel free to contact us by filling out the contact form below 🙂